Board of Education

District Priorities for 2023-24

Support an environment of consistent communication.

Ensure learning for all students through Core Instruction, a robust Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Early Literacy, Teacher Leader System, and the use of data to inform instruction.

Increase and enhance 21st Century Learning Opportunities at Denison Community Schools.

Implement school safety and security planning, priorities and training.

Denison Community School Mission

At Denison Community Schools, we believe all students can learn. Through essential concepts and skill sets, students will develop their individual talents in a meaningful curriculum while learning to work together collaboratively. Students will think creatively, critically, and constructively while learning will be enhanced through national, global, technological, and multicultural perspectives. Continuous commitment to improvement ensures that our students will be well-rounded and will have the ability to reason and act in an ethical manner which will empower them to be responsible citizens of the 21st Century.



Board Members

Booster Club Piggy Bank

Our Booster Clubs fuel our programs and benefit our students! From scholarships to cookie receptions, become part of the driving force behind our school.