Message from the Principal

October 10, 2024

Dear DES Families,

It's time to sign up for Fall Conferences that will take place between October 23 - 30th.

We strongly encourage families to attend conferences in person. Time slots can fill up quickly, so please follow these directions at your earliest convenience.

If you have a smart phone, sign up is easy.  By the end of the school day on Thurs., Oct. 10th, your child's teacher will provide a password through our Seesaw account to text to the following number, (833) 411-0833. 

If you prefer to sign up through a computer...

1. Please go to:  This will access our PK-3rd grade staff and schedules.

2. If you have multiple PK-3 students at DES (this doesn't include Broadway School), click "Register for Multiple Conferences" in the yellow box.  You will have to go to the following link for Broadway Elementary: www.myconferencetime/broadway

3. Select your preferred time.

4. Enter required information. (E-mail address is not required, but if you enter one, you will receive a confirmation and a reminder of the conference prior to the date.)

5. Click “Sign Up for Your Conference” near the bottom of the screen.

6. You’re done! That’s all there is to it.  Thanks for scheduling, and we look forward to seeing you soon!



Christopher Schulz

Denison Elementary Principal








Important Dates and Information


Upcoming Events

Mon., Oct. 14th - NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice Day
Fri., Oct. 18th - Preschool Family Fun Day

Fri., Oct. 25th - Picture Retake Day
Thurs. & Tues., Oct. 24th & 29th - Fall Family Conferences, 4 - 8 PM
Thurs., Oct. 31st - Fall & Harvest Celebration, 1:45 - 3:30 PM
Fri., Nov. 1st - NO SCHOOL, Teacher Comp. Day
Fri., Nov. 8th - Veteran's Day Program @ 8:45 AM in the DES Gym
Mon., Nov. 11th - Veteran's Day / NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice Day
Nov. 27 - 29th - NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break

Report Bullying/Harassment at DES

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Elementary School Resources

Seesaw Assistance | View Website

Student Technology Help Desk | View Website

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