Message from the Principal

Welcome to Broadway Elementary School, where every day we get better together!


Broadway Elementary School houses approximately 300 students in fourth and fifth grade. We celebrate our diversity at BES; the diversity in our race and culture, in our backgrounds, and in our experiences and skills. At Broadway Elementary, we show Monarch PRIDE every day.  The students and staff at Broadway Elementary take pride in our collaboration and learning from each other. We will continue to be lifelong learners and share our strengths and our gifts with others every day. We believe in the power of a positive attitude and we welcome all challenges that come our way!


Bret Larson

BES Principal


Important Dates and Information

**New families to Denison** - Please visit the school as soon as possible to set up the registration process and for us to provide you with more information.
Feb. 14 - No School - Winter Break
Feb. 17 - No School - Inservice Day


Report Bullying/Harassment at BES

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Broadway School Resources

Facility Reservations | View Website

Seesaw Assistance | View Website

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“The Denison Difference”

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